Sunday, November 29, 2015

Holiday Hell? Nah, that's normal...

I love the holidays, because to me it means family time. And this year, Thanksgiving fell on one of my sister's birthday. She ended up in Urgent Care with a sprained wrist. My brother-in-law fell down the stairs and is too stubborn for dr visits. Me? Oh I defied my clumsy nature for one day, it seems.
But dealing with post concussion syndrome during the holidays sucks. Ever since my bad fall on Veteran's Day, I've been screwed up in the head (worse than usual). When I hit my head, I injured my inner ears or something like that. Vertigo, faintness, double vision, blurred vision, and the horrid migraines all the time - all come and go, without warning. Well, the migraines have a warning if I hit my head again when I fall, but they still pop up other times.
And that is how I ended up falling four separate times this week. Yesterday's fall forced me to go to the ER because using my cane wasn't working, and I was barely walking well using my mother-in-law's walker. So the ER dr believes I need to go to Johns Hopkins to see a Neurologist; rather than staying on a wait list just to get a call to be scheduled at the local Neurologist's office.

These last six years have been hell. But I'm doing my best to stay positive and hope that eventually the meds & treatments will start helping, and perhaps I'll get off disability and back to working full time. God has given me more strength than I thought I ever had. Going through life til my sickness, having a rough life, prepared me for this. And I have the best husband and son in the world! I thank God every day for bringing them into my life, and my in-laws too! They are such amazing people, and I love them dearly.

Have a good Sunday evening. I'm hoping I'll be able to post a positive update soon for all of my few followers & readers out there

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Would I wish this away?

When the medical bills just keep adding up, medications become more in quantity and in cost, and the amount of 'ologists' are astronomical. When you find yourself under piles of paperwork while trying hard to pretend you have a semi-normal life, it gets more daunting every single day.
The stress piles up, the anxiety shoots through the roof, and I just want to break down and cry.
But I remember that I am a muthafuckin Warrior!!

I want my old life back. I want to work a full time job, I want to be back to being active. Most of all, I just want this pain and inflammation to stop. I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy; all these health issues that have me disabled and in daily pain. Oh no, I would never wish this on anyone.

So to top off my six year anniversary of daily pain and meds that obviously don't help, I got a special present...and now I have to have surgery the Monday before Christmas. That means I'll need to rest up a ton before that so that it's not so bad for me after the surgery. I want to be able to keep our Christmas and New Year's plans, since my husband took off work for two weeks starting my surgery day, so we have tons of quality family time this Christmas :-)