Sunday, January 10, 2016

Hope for what?

How many procedures or surgeries have you been through? 
Do you have to keep a list of all of them with you, along with meds list, to every dr appointment?

Then, welcome to my world of have been initiated into the Spoonie club. 

I had a surgery on December 21st, and am still looking at a long recovery because of all my auto-immune issues. Instead of the standard 2-6 weeks, I'm looking at 2+ months of being more exhausted than usual, and having more pain than usual. 

Do you find yourself wishing you knew more people with similar issues? Have you met amazing support online for your issues? I have found some amazing friends online that I talk to all the time, and wish that I could meet & give them the gentle hug they need, from someone who understands. 

So as I sit here with half of my daily water intake waiting to be finished (at 340pm), I just wonder how long it'll be until I get better all-around, not just from the surgery. I want to be able to throw the football around with my son, or even just shoot hoops with him up at the park. And he just happens to like tennis, and I miss playing tennis...this is one of my major goals. Buying us both racquets & a tube of tennis balls, and eventually maybe start playing tennis together. 

Whatever struggle you're going through, know that there is someone out there who feels the same, or similar. 

Wishing you a blessed & pain-free day!!