Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Inspiration on my Wellness Journey

When a spoonie bestie sends you inspiration right when you need it. 
*name changed to protect a fellow spoonie 

"Hi Baby Girl! I am so sorry to hear you feel so damn crappy. You are so strong and I'm not just saying that because of these migraines. You are so eager to help people, even when you feel the crappiest of crappy. Rose gets the Botox injections. She says they do 36 injections at one time without any lidocaine or other local anesthetic. Did I tell you Rose and I are going to start walking 3 to 4 times a week? Well, bless her heart, we went to the park on Monday and took a little walk. Neither of us move very quickly so we took it slow. It was a beautiful morning and I FINALLY have a friend here! It's been years! Rose has tendinitis in her left ankle and it flared up on Tuesday. Well, as my luck, well I guess our luck, she had to get a cast from just below her knee all the way down to her toes!!! One short walk!!! Go figure! She has to wear it for 2 weeks! We agreed to get back to walking when she gets her cast off. I'm going to ask her to go out to lunch next week. Amanda, she is so sweet, she was feeling so alone. So, I followed in your footsteps. You reached out to me and I finally got the chance to reach out to someone and let them know they are not alone.
I must tell you, I am fearing for your health. I know my job as your friend, is to be positive and reassure you, but I love you and I really am scared of what is happening to you. You, for all intents and purposes, you ARE my best friend. I wish you lived here. I would make you put your Jammie's on, tuck you in (my bed is huge! It sleeps 3 comfortably!). I would make sure you you have plenty of M&Ms and your favorite beverage. I will cook for you and be here for whatever you need. The catch? We will use this time for YOU! I think you need some big time just for you. But you're no where near and I have the peace of mind just knowing you have Sonny and Clay. If you can't answer right now, don't worry. Please keep me updated on what's happening with you. I love you dearly, my sweet and loving sister💜💕"

And yes, this is from one of the spoonie besties I have. 

I am so blessed to have found real friends on this journey.
WYSIWYG - What You See Is What You Get. Unless you have invisible illnesses. 

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