Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Medical Coverage...for real this time!

Well, the state of Maryland finally approved me for medical assistance. I got my approval letter in the mail today. I still have to contact them about getting a list of approved doctors, and find out about the prescription coverages, get my insurance card, etc... But this is such great news. I have been without insurance/medical coverage since the end of June last year. I am swimming in a world of pain, lost to myself.
So, now I can make plans to see my doctor and get back on all the meds I should be on. Mainly pain management and anti-depressants. I need to see when I can get to the rheumatologist's office and get on track with helping me through this auto-immune hell. I don't want to go to the rheumatologist I had before though. She was a nightmare. She had no empathy for what I was going through...and just wanted to run the same test (an ANA) over and over again; rather than doing the other tests to confirm my lupus. She only once tested my RNP count to see where it was. She never once wanted to do the Anti-Smith antibodies testing, or any of the urine testing to confirm other issues (kidney problems that I've had for a few years now). It's like she just didn't care. She talked in circles and made me feel stupid and a waste of her time. If she thought my symptoms weren't real, why did she send me through physical therapy and pain management? I wish I had gotten the chance before to start the pain management that the pain doctor wanted to start...but insurance lapsed and I spent the next 8 months in writhing pain.
This is no way to live! I don't want to live my life based on how my body is attacking itself. I want to live my life for me. I want to enjoy doing things again; even if it's not the same things I used to do. Sure, it would be awesome to be able to go hiking and canoeing again; but I doubt I'll ever be able to do those things again. Never again will I be able to go skating for hours on end, or play ball.
But, this wonderful news of approved health care is a big plus in my book! I thank God for giving me the strength to make it through this intact. And, I can only hope that things will continue to improve in my life and my health. I'm thankful for my family and the numerous friends who stood by me through all this and always gave their support and encouragement.

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