Monday, March 21, 2011

Not as bad as they thought

Friday night, I pushed myself passed my limits (as always). I went to the RockBand party, and spent some time with friends. Right after returning home, I started vomiting...then dry heaving. Within a half hour my chest was tight and burning and my side was killing me. At 730am Saturday I went to the ER to see wtf was going on.
When you have chest pains, they treat you a lot different at the ER. Barely any wait, bring the xray machine to the room, etc... I wasn't concerned about waiting. I was worried about what could be going on. I'm used to nausea and vomiting; just not to having blood specks in my vomit. That was a new twist for me. So, the nurses hooked me up to a heart monitor, gave me oxygen, took a lot of blood, made me pee on a bed pan for them to test my urine. Ugh, it was a three ring circus in that room. Then they brought in the mobile x-ray machine to get an x-ray of my lungs. The doctor said my heart seemed fine, but he was concerned that I may have a blood clot in my lung, or I could have pneumonia. Or, it could just be something simpler. The nurses brought in the mobile x-ray machine and took a chest xray to see what was going on. They gave me Phenergan and Delaudid to keep me cozy while they were waiting for the lab and xray results. After a long day, it was helpful to relax me some and to off-set the majority of the pain.
After all was said and done, I found out that I've had bronchitis for a while and now had a UTI. So the doctor gave me prescriptions for Percocet, Phenergan and Bactrim.
Even without having my insurance card in hand, the ER and the pharmacy were able to use my medical insurance number to process everything. I'm so happy that things are finally starting to come together a little at a time.

And since today was an extra special kind of weird, I'll post today's adventure tomorrow (if I'm recuperated by then). TTFN...

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