Sunday, October 4, 2015

That Magic called Coffee

You know that magic that wakens you each morning, shortly after your body finally arranges your release from imprisonment in bed...after hours of NOT sleeping.

COFFEE; that smooth, delicious and nourishing magical potion that helps you make it through some of the day. The stuff that takes your mind off the aches, pains, and stress; if only for a short period of time.
Coffee is something to be enjoyed and celebrated. And it is celebrated by so many people. This past week, we even had a National Coffee Day!!

I used to hit the ground running early in the morning, and only need a cup or two of coffee to make it through an entire long day that was a full time job and a part time job. That was back when I was healthy.
This past six years though, coffee has merely kept me somewhat awake while my fatigued body and mind muddle through, day after day.

How do you take your coffee? Do you love lots of creamer? Do you drink it black? Do you use flavored creamers to change it up every now and again?

Here is a great link to a friend's blog post about homemade creamers

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